ΕΠ41 - Digital Satellite Communications
General Information
School: Digital Technology
Department: Informatics and Telematics
Level: Undergraduate
Course Title: Digital Satellite Communications
Course id: ΕΠ41
Type: Core Course
Semester: 5
Teaching and Examination Language: Greek
Is the course offered in Erasmus: Yes
Course web-page:
Lectures (Theory): 3,0
Lab lectures: 0,0
ECTS credits: 5,0
Learning Outcomes
The objective of the course is to familiarize students with non-terrestrial networks such as satellites or
High Altitude Platforms, as well as their role in 5G. Reference is made to the necessary
theoretical background and emphasis is given on the understanding differences from the terrestrial
networks. Students come into contact with modern digital technologies and
those criteria on the basis of which, key components of a satellite telecommunications system are designed and selected.
General Skills
-Retrieve, analyse and synthesise data and information, with the use of necessary technologies
-Adapt to new situations
-Make decisions
-Work autonomously
-Promoting free, creative and deductive reasoning
Course Content
The student will learn digital techniques such as APSK modulation, LDPC codes, Single/Multi Carrier schemes and multiple access techniques with Filter Banks. Simulation of the processing of the satellite signal to the transponder as well as the effect of non linearity of high power satellite amplifiers will be demonstrated, introducing students in the concepts of Software Defined Radio. Techniques for the improvement of the communication and compensation of the non-linearity will be taught. Simulation packages will be employed to model communication channels and demonstrate Beyond Line of Site Communications.
Learning and Teaching Methods - Evaluation
Teaching methods: face-to-face
Use of ICT:
Course Organization
The course grade takes into account
- the final exam grade (60%), which comprises
- Multiple choice questions
- Problem solving
- Critical evaluation of theoretical knowledge
- one compulsory assignment (40%).