ΕΠ13 - Internet Technologies
General Information
School: Digital Technology
Department: Informatics and Telematics
Level: Undergraduate
Course Title: Internet Technologies
Course id: ΕΠ13
Type: Core Course
Semester: 5
Teaching and Examination Language: Greek
Is the course offered in Erasmus: Yes
Course web-page:
Lectures (Theory): 3,0
Lab lectures: 0,0
ECTS credits: 5,0
Learning Outcomes
The course seeks to familiarize students with the TCP/IP layered approach and the investigation on all internet related protocols, starting from the highest TCP/IP layers.
General Skills
- Independent work
- Team work
Course Content
Internet Architecture. Quality of Service in the Internet. Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP). Integrated Internet Services Architectures, Differentiated Internet Services Architectures. Packet Scheduling, Bandwidth Brokers, Multi-protocol Label Switching (MPLS). Internet Security (IPSec, PKI). Service provisioning and call control through open interfaces (JAVA APIs, JAIN, Parlay architectures). Distributed object technologies (DOT, CORBA, RMI, SOAP). The role of object-oriented design techniques and software development in communications (network management systems, IN, active, autonomous networks, etc). Mobile Intelligent Agent Technology. Service Description Languages. Service Modelling Tools. Applications in the WWW.
Learning and Teaching Methods - Evaluation
Teaching methods: face-to-face
Use of ICT:
e-class utilization
Course Organization
Final written examination (100%)
WEERAWARANA, CURBERA, LEYMANN, STOR, "Web services Platform Architecture "
IEEE Systems, IEEE Access