Human Computer Interaction

ΥΠ20 - Human Computer Interaction

General Information

School: Digital Technology

Department: Informatics and Telematics

Level: Undergraduate

Course Title: Human Computer Interaction

Course id: ΥΠ20

Type: Core Course 

Semester: 7

Teaching and Examination Language: Greek

Is the course offered in Erasmus: Yes

Course web-page:


Lectures (Theory): 3,0

Lab lectures: 0,0

ECTS credits: 5,0

Learning Outcomes

- To equip students with basic knowledge in the study of methods, techniques and tools required
for the design and evaluation of user interfaces and more specifically:
- Design of user interfaces: interaction and usability,
- Cognitive psychology and its role in: analysis, design and evaluation,
- Learning user-centered design principles, methods and techniques used,
- Learning rapid Prototyping techniques,
- Learning how to manage time and constraints in IS projects,
- Learning usability evaluation techniques and how they can be used,
- Understanding natural user interface principles and design methods.

General Skills

- Search, analysis and synthesis of data and information with the use of the assorted technologies
- Decision Making
- Team work
- Project design and management
- Promoting reasoning and self-improvement
- Promoting free, creative and deductive reasoning

Course Content

- Week 1: Introduction to the course: Definition, human model, usability.
- Week 2: User interface design requirements engineering.
- Week 3 & 4 (Laboratory): Interaction styles.
- Week 5 (Laboratory): Techniques and methods for the design of user interfaces.
- Week 6 (Laboratory): Dialog design – direct manipulation design guidelines.
- Week 7: Midterm Exam.
- Week 8 & 9 (Laboratory): Rapid prototyping techniques and methods.
- Week 10 & 11: Usability evaluation techniques.
- Week 12: (Laboratory): Multimodal interaction, natural user interface.
- Week 13: Design for mobile devices: basic principles.

Learning and Teaching Methods - Evaluation

Teaching methods: face-to-face

Use of ICT: 

e-class, powerpoint presentations, browsing and
demonstrations of Internet case studies, e-mail
communication with students

Course Organization



Semester work load



Lab exercises


Individual of group projects


Lab report preparation




Independent Study





- Group Project Assignment: web site design and implementation.
- Written exams: multiple-choice questions and short questions.


- Nikolaos Avouris. Introduction to Human Computer Interaction. Diavlos publications. Athens 2000. (in Greek)
- Alan Dix, Janet Finlay, Gregory D. Abowd, Beale Russell, 2007, Human computer interaction.