ΥΠ18 - Object Oriented Programming I
Code : ΥΠ18
Type : Obligatory
Semester : 2
ECTS credits: 7
Course URL: http://eclass.hua.gr/courses/DIT112/
Expected Outcomes
The course introduces the students to object-oriented technology, its characteristics and advantages. The students develop object-oriented programming skills by utilizing the Java language. The students will acquire the following knowledge and skills:
Understanding the principles and advantages of object-oriented programming
Applying in practice the basic characteristics of object-oriented programming
Programming in Java
Applying good programming practices
Algorithms creation based on the object-oriented philosophy
Implementing Java applications of high-quality by utilizing IDE tools
Lecture 1: Introduction to Object technology
Lecture 2: Java Language Memory, Compilation etc.
Lecture 3: Introduction to Java applications
Lecture 4: Classes and Objects
Lecture 5: Control Statements, Operators
Lecture 6: Iteration statements, Logical Operators
Lecture 7: Methods, Algorithms
Lecture 8: Exception handling, Good programming practices
Lecture 9: Inheritance
Lecture 10: Arrays, ArrayLists
Lecture 11: Cases of Java applications
Lecture 12: Polymorphism, Interfaces
Lecture 13: Hashtables, Hashmaps
Evaluation Means
Exams 60%
Assignment 40%
Java: How to Program, Early Objects. P. Deitel and H. Deitel, 11th edition, Prentice Hall.
Introduction to Java Programming and Data structures, Comprehensive version. D. Liang, Pearson, 2017.
Building Java Programs: A Back to Basics Approach. S. Reges, M. Stepp, 5th Edition, Pearson.