ΥΠ17 - System Analysis and Software Engineering
Code : ΥΠ17
Type : Obligatory
Semester : 4
ECTS credits: 6
Course URL: https://eclass.hua.gr/courses/DIT225/
Expected Outcomes
The course introduces the students to methods and principles for analysis, design and development of software. Unified Modeling Language is utilized for system modeling and creation of software specifications. The students will acquire the following knowledge and skills:
Understanding the principles and tools of software analysis, design and development
Creation of software specifications
Applying UML for system modeling
Elicitation of system requirements
Understanding Software architectures
Software verification/ testing and validation methods
Lecture 1: Introduction to Software Analysis, Design and Modeling
Lecture 2: Software engineering methods
Lecture 3: Software requirements
Lecture 4: Requirements analysis
Lecture 5: Software specifications
Lecture 6: Software design, Intro to UML
Lecture 7: System modeling - Use cases
Lecture 8: System modeling - Behavior models
Lecture 9: System modeling - Data models
Lecture 10: System modeling - Structural models
Lecture 11: Software architectures
Lecture 12: Software testing
Lecture 13: Agile software development
Evaluation Means
Exams 50%
Assignment 50%
Α. Dennis, Β. Η. Wixom, D. Tegarden. System Analysis and Design An object-Oriented approach with UML
Ι. Sommerville. Software engineering, 10th edition