ΥΠ23 - Artificial Intelligence


Code : ΥΠ23

Type : Obligatory

Semester : 6

ECTS credits: 5

Course URL: https://eclass.hua.gr/courses/DIT231/

Expected Outcomes

The course provides an introduction in fundamental concepts of Artificial Intelligence and an understanding of selected methods for solving problems by searching, adversarial search, reinforcement learning and constraint satisfaction problems.

After successfully completing this course, students should be able to understand and apply appropriate methods from each category to real-world Artificial Intelligence problems.


- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- State space represenations and solving problems by searching
- Uninformed search algorithms: DFS, BFS, UCS and iterative deepning
- Informed search algorithms: Greedy and A* search
- Adversarial search. Minimax, Expectimax and their variants
- Agent utility in search problems
- Non-deterministic search and Markov Decision Processes
- Value iteration, policy evaluation and policy iteration algorithms
- Reinforcement learning. Model-based and model-free RL
- Time-Difference learning and Q-learning
- Constraint Satisfaction Problems
- Backtracking search with arc-consistency
- Local search algorithms and their variants

Evaluation Means

I. Written final exam (80%) which includes
- Multiple choice questions
- Problem solving
II. Individual projects (20%)


1. Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig. Artificial Intelligence: A Μodern Approach, Prentice Hall, 4th Edition 2020
2. W. Ertel, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Περιοδικά (ενδεικτικά):

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Expert Systems with Applications
Journal of Machine Learning Research
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
Neural Computing and Applications
International Journal of Computer Vision

Συνέδρια (ενδεικτικά):

Neural Information Processing Systems
International Conference on Learning Representations
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
International Conference on Computer Vision
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence