ΕΠ39 - Cryptography
General Information
School: Digital Technology
Department: Informatics and Telematics
Level: Undergraduate
Course Title: Cryptography
Course id: ΕΠ39
Type: Core Course
Semester: 8
Teaching and Examination Language: Greek
Is the course offered in Erasmus: No
Course web-page: https://eclass.hua.gr/courses/DIT208/
Lectures (Theory): 3,0
Lab lectures: 0,0
ECTS credits: 5,0
Learning Outcomes
This course will provide:
A first introduction on cryptographic definitions and notions
Familiarization with security issues
Understanding of the cryptographic protocols capabilities
The skills to select the most adequate cryptographic solutions for given security problem.
General Skills
Search for optimal cryptographic solutions
Independent work
Course Content
Introduction to cryptography. History of cryptography and definitions
Mathematical background. Modular computations, Boolean functions, birthday paradox
Pseudorandom generators and stream ciphers
Pseudorandom functions, block ciphers and modes of operation
Differential and linear Attacks. Hellman’s method to invert one way functions. Attacks against stream ciphers.
One way functions and hash functions (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2, SHA-3).
Message Authentication codes. HMAC and ECBC. Authenticated encryption schemes
Public key cryptography. RSA and secure implementations. The problem of factorization
El Gamal and elliptic curves. The discrete logarithm problem.
Digital signatures. Digital signature algorithm
Attacks against public key encryption protocols
Learning and Teaching Methods - Evaluation
Teaching methods: face-to-face
Use of ICT:
Course Organization