In terms of the Erasmus Mundus THELXINOE project, the Department of Informatics and Telematics, cooperates with universities from Europe and Oceania in order to develop a solid and long-term sustainable network (THELXINOE-N) of both EU and Oceanian institutions with the ultimate objective of fostering academic, cultural, social and economical links amongst all the involved stakeholders (partners, associates, grantees, local / regional / national administrations, networks and associations, Ministries of Education, Embassies / Consulates, companies, chambers of commerce, NGOs, etc.). The project is based upon 2 founding blocks: 1. Mobility of individuals, and 2. Structured cooperation.
In this regard, the goal is selecting the most talented individuals based on academic, professional and personal accumulated merits, so that they receive high-quality academic/professional training. Clearly, emphasis will be made on maximizing the actual employability of grantees, for which the so called THELXINOE Training Programme (THELXINOE-TP) has been set up.
THELXINOE-TP will offer grantees the following services: 1. Career center (CC) (constituted by the combination of local career centers at each partner, as well as key associates, will offer academic/professional advice along the project duration and beyond). 2. Short traineeship period (STP) (1-3 months) at a company, public body, NGO, etc. of choice, and in line with the specific professional profile of each grantee. Mobility will be supported in both directions.
Other participants, apart from the Department of Informatics and Telematics ( are:

Project web site:
The project web site contains detailed information on the process for submitting an application for mobility, the selection criteria as well as the actual mobility process.

Details on the calls for applications, the deadlines for applicants (Ph.D. candidates, postdocs and staff members) can be found at:

Details on the thematic fields of interest for each participating University can be found at:

Contact Person
George Dimitrakopoulos, Lecturer
Omirou 9, Athens  177 78, Greece
Tel:    ++30-210-9549426
Fax:    ++30-210-9549401
e-mail:  gdimitra[at]hua[dot]gr