At present the department has signed bilateral agreements with the following institutions:
- Université des Sciences & Technologies de Lille (F LILLE01): UFR IEEA - Informatique, Electronique, Electrotechnique et Automatique. FIL - Formations en Informatique de Lille1
- Bordeaux Institute of Technology, France (F BORDEAU 54): Graduate School of Engineering in Electronics, Computer Sciences, Telecommunications, Mathematics and Mechanics, Courses Syllabus
- University of Granada (E GRANADA01): ETSIIT – Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieras, Informatica y de Telecomunicacion και Escuela Internacional de Posgrado - International School of for Post-Graduate Studies.
- University of Malaga (E MALAGA01): ETSII - Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática (Undergraduate & Postgraduate level)
- AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow (PL KRAKOW02): Faculty of Computer Science, Electronics and Telecommunications και International Courses Program
- Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany (D BERLIN01): Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Info for international studies
- European University of Cyprus, Nicosia. (CY NICOSIA24): Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- Middlesex University, London, UK (UK LONDON067): School of Science and Tecnhology, Department of Computer Science, Info for international studies
- University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy (I CAGLIAR01) Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Alongside attempts to conclude agreements with institutions in Germany, France, Great Britain, Portugal in order to create more opportunities for mobility.
In order to facilitate incoming students in finding the appropriate courses to attend, we provide a detailed description of our courses here.
In addition to this, we provide some indicative course mappings here.
This information will help you to create a draft schedule for the semester of your visit, which of course must be validated with the Erasmus coordinator of your department.
Students who are interested to visit our Department are advised to contact the Erasmus office of their institution and to get informed on the details of the exchange. They are also advised to pick up a set of modules that does not exceed the typical amount of ECTS credits for a semester (30 credits) and maximizes the credits that can be allocated to matching modules of their own department's curriculum.
More information on Harokopio and Athens are available through the institutional Erasmus office web site (
You can get in contact with Erasmus students from Harokopio University at our Facebook group DIT HUA Erasmus Students, and contact the Harokopio Erasmus Student Network at Facebook.
Finally, for details about the courses offered by our department you can download the Study Guide.